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Healthcare Case Study

Services Provided from our Side

Converting Website that improved Patient Experience

In the competitive landscape of healthcare, Visioncare, a prominent hospital, sought to revitalize its digital presence to not only stay ahead but thrive in the market. With an outdated website and limited social media engagement, they approached us with a clear objective: boost revenue and enhance brand visibility.

Revamping Hospital's Digital Strategy for Revenue Surge

THE CHALLANGES: The hospital faced a twofold challenge: their existing website failed to reflect their expertise, and their social media presence was virtually non-existent. This lack of digital prominence translated into missed revenue opportunities and reduced brand recognition.

How DIGICHAMP LTD helped them to hit the targeted revenue within the limited timeframe.


Website Overhaul for Conversion Optimization

Digichamp Ltd rebuilt their website from the ground up, infusing it with captivating design and seamless navigation. Each element was meticulously crafted to drive conversions, ensuring every visitor had a compelling journey from inquiry to action.


Google My Business Creation & Optimization

In our commitment to enhancing our client's digital footprint, Digichamp Ltd extended our expertise to include the creation and optimization of their Google My Business (GMB) account. By meticulously curating and refining their GMB profile with compelling visuals, accurate business information, and strategic keyword optimization, we ensured maximum visibility in local search results. Our results speak volumes: with our GMB optimization efforts, the hospital experienced a remarkable surge in online visibility, garnering over 1000 calls and 5000 directions per quarter.


Targeted Advertising for Lead Generation

With Google Ads and Meta Ads, we deployed hyper-targeted campaigns designed to attract qualified leads and drive conversions. By pinpointing potential patients based on demographics, interests, and online behavior, we maximized the hospital's return on investment and accelerated revenue growth.


YouTube Monetization for Brand Expansion

Recognizing the potential of video content, we harnessed their YouTube channel to showcase their expertise and engage with a wider audience. Through strategic monetization efforts and viral content creation, we not only expanded their brand reach but also opened up new revenue streams.


Strategic Social Media Amplification:

Leveraging the power of social media, we curated engaging content tailored to their audience's interests and pain points. By fostering meaningful interactions and community engagement, we positioned the hospital as a trusted authority in healthcare, thus attracting more leads and inquiries.


Leads Generation & Email Automation for Patient Nurturing

Implementing personalized email automation workflows, we nurtured leads and fostered lasting relationships with existing patients. Timely follow-ups, educational content, and exclusive offers strengthened patient loyalty and encouraged repeat visits, thereby boosting revenue and retention rates.

Our Outstanding Results

  1. Increased Online Visibility: Our optimization strategies ensure that the hospital’s GMB profile appears prominently in local search results, increasing their visibility to potential patients searching for healthcare services in their area.

  2. Enhanced Brand Awareness: By optimizing the hospital’s GMB profile with compelling visuals and accurate business information, we help to elevate their brand visibility and recognition among local residents.

  3. Improved User Engagement: A well-optimized GMB profile attracts more clicks, calls, and directions from interested patients, resulting in increased user engagement and interaction with the hospital’s online presence.

  4. Greater Trust and Credibility: An optimized GMB profile instills trust and confidence in potential patients, showcasing the hospital as a reputable and trustworthy healthcare provider in the local community.

  5. Higher Click-Through Rates (CTR): Our optimization efforts drive higher click-through rates (CTR) to the hospital’s website, increasing traffic and opportunities for patient acquisition.

  6. More Calls and Directions: With our GMB optimization strategies in place, the hospital receives more calls and directions requests from patients seeking information or booking appointments, leading to increased foot traffic and patient inquiries.

  7. Improved Local SEO Performance: Optimizing the hospital’s GMB profile helps to improve their local search engine optimization (SEO) performance, making it easier for potential patients to find them online.

  8. Cost-Effective Marketing: GMB optimization offers a cost-effective marketing solution for hospitals, providing maximum exposure to local patients without the need for expensive advertising campaigns.

  9. Measurable Results: Our GMB optimization services deliver measurable results, allowing the hospital to track the success of their online marketing efforts and adjust their strategy accordingly.

  10. Long-Term Business Growth: By enhancing the hospital’s online visibility, engagement, and reputation, our GMB optimization services contribute to long-term business growth and sustainability.